3 college YouTube stars share their secrets to succes.

From left, YouTube stars Kostas Garcia, Cath Goetze and Taylor Reneau.
All three
YouTubers used skills they learned while in college to their advantage. Goetze
says her communication, computer science, management science and
engineering classes at Stanford University helped her achieve success. “I’ve
designed my course load such that the classes that I’m taking are focused on
this really unique and fast-changing intersection between business and media
marketing and digital and content creation,” Goetze says. “So I feel like
everything I’m learning in the classroom is actually being applied to my
everyday life because, in my free time, I’m actively participated in that space
and I’m generating content and I’m engaging with the types of people that I’m
learning about in the classes.” Reneau says she “took things that I learned
from Harvard (University) and I applied them to my videos. For example, I took
an animation class and I applied like those skills towards my videos.” Her
classes also helped her writing skills. “The story telling techniques I learned
from my Shakespeare class and my Greek mythology classes, I apply those all the
time,” she says. And Garcia says he gained valuable skills while at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison. “There are classes that I take where we’re
specifically breaking down film and I’ve taken a couple editing classes. That’s
helped me with my YouTube videos,” he says. “Slowly but surely I’ve gotten more
into cinematography and producing and all that stuff just from what I’ve
studied at school and I’m really interested in it.” OK, now you know that you
can take stuff you’re learning in school to help you. But how do you get
2. Pick a niche, capiche?
According to Reneau, some of the more common topics
on YouTube right now are beauty, gaming and academics. Her tip: “If you can
find a niche that hasn’t been tapped, if you can think, ‘What’s the video that
I’ve always wanted to see on YouTube and I can’t find it anywhere?’, then use
that as a guide to be the one to make that video.” But if you can’t think of
anything along those lines, Reneau says that’s OK too. “If you can’t think of
your own unique concept to follow, then do the tried and true. Because there
are lots of views and lots of money to be had in the makeup and beauty
industries, et cetera, et cetera.” But Garcia says it’s important to stay
true to yourself along the way: “Make sure you’re making content that’s
authentic to yourself. People like authentic and real content.” In fact, Goetze
thinks being authentic is part of the reason her Cath in College series
has become so successful. “I think people like that it’s very real and
very down to earth. And it feels very tangible and very relatable,” she says. Garcia
also recommends posting on a consistent schedule. “If you have a favorite TV
show, you know it comes out like every week at a certain time. So if you treat
your YouTube channel like that, people will be more inclined to keep tuning
back in because they have something to look forward to.”
3. Get that money, honey.
“Between brand
sponsorships and monetizing videos, that’s pretty much the bread and butter of
how people make a living off of social media,” Garcia says. If a company has a
product that they want to promote, they will find people with a following on
social media to promote it. Before this happens, however, Garcia estimates you
need a minimum of 10,000 followers. In addition to brand sponsorships, you can
monetize your videos by placing an ad on them. Reneau says YouTube will
take about 45% of the profit, leaving you with about one to two dollars for
every thousand views. Because of this, Reneau says diversifying revenue
streams can be key to financial success. “On top of just relying on
advertising, (YouTubers) will also sell merchandise, they will do events,
they will start their own websites and take a 100% of the ad revenue that
comes off of that,” she says.
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