GANIYU Handles PSSTV Reporting Micro Phone In Vicsum Private

News reporters and
casters are well trained. Most of them went through mass media courses at the university. To some, it is naturally embedded in them and they developed
the career with the aid of little training.
Today there are areas the mass media unreasonably neglects. That
is in schools. News media seldomly carry academic news, but many things of
interest and wordy of reporting happens
there. No doubt that many schools claims to have news report update for the
school only, The news never circulate. School news should be well publicized,
students from one school should know what is going on in other schools. Future
national and international news casters and reporter should be caught young and
All these is what BBC
is doing in London today, it is called BBC STUDENTS REPORTS. In Nigeria,
students do not have that latitude and right to even express them selves in
front of a media camera. That is why Studentell is developing a program with which
to catch future media figure young.
In Vicsum Private school
Omole Lagos, on Friday 10 march 20017, one of the best students news reporters Fareedah Ganiyu was used by PSSTV grass root
student news media, to showcase students
news report. Bellow are more images of
Fareedah on reprting Micro phone.
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